About Us

HimanshuCorp  - Efficient Solutions

IT Consultancy with 2 decades of of Rich and Diverse Experience in providing Efficient Solutions to clients.

Contact us

Email: consult@himanshucorp.co.uk               Mobile:  +44 7466768388

Major Projects
  • Equation Banking System for EAB Plc.
  • Technical Business Analysis of the application landscape around Equation (Kapiti) for CYBG - NAB Separation, 2016-2018
  • Development of Household Insurance  Product, Admiral Insurance, 2011 - 2015
  • Development and Maintenance of Insure/90 Denmark, 2000 - 2003

Clients worked for


  • AS400 - RPG, CL, COBOL, ILE
  • C#
  • HTML, XML, Java, jsp, Javascript, VBscript

Domain Knowledge

  • Financial Services
    • Insurance (I90, POINT),
    • Securities, 
    • Banking (Equation and Midas Wholesale)
  • Manufacturing & Retail (JDA-MMS, BPCS)


  1. Want to see the Domain owner information of the website. The details of a registered domain name reveal the date when the domain name will be available or the domain owner's information


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